Saturday, April 28, 2018

Mother's Day Ideas

Mother's Day is just around the corner and I thought of some unique ideas that don't take a lot of time that mom would really value.  Lucky you, since you're into genealogy, you've got the information to share.

This idea I got from my church - they requested a brief (meaning less than 500 words) bio of a special mom.  Note the word special; that mom doesn't have to be by blood.  I really liked that concept.  So remember those special moms on Mother's Day, too!  Not sure who that could be?  Think family friend, neighbor, teacher, or perhaps, an older sister. that you looked to for guidance.  If they're no longer living, create a Find-A-Grave memorial page or donate to a cause they were passionate about.

Now back to the brief bio idea...this only takes a few minutes to write, print and frame.  Add a picture and get some input from siblings or grandchildren.  A personalized gift was always valued by my mom and I wish I had thought of this while she was still living.

Last month, advertised a Mother's Day promotion and even though it's too late to enter, the method, a video, is another wonderful way to honor  mom.  I think it would be awesome to highlight several moms in a line this way.  Adding music of the time period, documents with signatures and your voice over as a connection across the ages could be powerful.  Geez, you could even make copies on a thumb drive to use for stocking stuffers at Christmas.

A spin off of the idea made me think of a mom in my past that had overcome adversity.  Your tree is most likely full of hard working women who have made a positive impact.  Pick one as your heroine and simply write that individuals name on a stickee to be placed near your computer.  If you have her picture, put it on your phone for another visible reminder of strength.  We can all use a little motherly love during a stressful workday!  It's a neat gift to give yourself.

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