Friday, January 3, 2020

Star Wars and Genealogy

Happy New Year!  December was a busy month for genealogy so I'll be trying to catch up with all the changes each week.  I ended the decade watching the last Star Wars movie which was bittersweet to me.  The franchise started while I was in college, saw one of the films when I was first pregnant with my oldest who became a lifelong fan, and the remaining movies I can remember by associating with various stages of my life.

Star Wars is an epic in science fiction genealogy.  Do you recall being shocked to discover that Darth Vader was Luke's father?  That Luke and Leia were twins?  If you haven't seen the movie yet I'll not spoil it but I'll give you a hint - Mill's FAN Club.  Yes, there is another connection nicely tying up all the movies.

This year, keep the movie in mind as you search for your elusive ancestors.  Wonder why know one talked about Great Uncle Bob?  I say check out his relationships.  His business buddies might just be holding the key to his separation from the family.  Also look for his political views; perhaps the rest of the family didn't share his outlook for the future.

Can't find the parents of your maternal great grandma?  Check out death records, obits, cemeteries and family Bibles to see if  great grandma's parents died shortly after her birth.  Like Luke and Leia finding each other, you just might discover a whole new side of the family that had been separated due to the unexpected loss.

Wonder why your teenage several times great grandpa left Merry Ole England for the Caribbean?  Like Rey, he may have been sheltered by his parents for his safety.  Although Rey was sold, many families indentured their loved ones.  I found my Duer family did so as their Quaker beliefs were causing them to be arrested.  Leaving the country was one of their only safety options.

I'll miss Star Wars but on the bright side, I'll remember those shocking movie moments and know I'll get to experience similar emotions as I continue to work on my own family tree.

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