Sunday, January 26, 2020

Lineage Society DIsappointments

The New Year (and decade) is well underway and I've been putting off my Genealogy Goals for the year.  Why?  I'm one of those people that just won't let something go if I've committed to it.  My last year goal was to honor my ancestors through various lineage societies.  My thought process was the more places you leave your work, the more likely it won't be lost.  Sadly, that goal really didn't work out for me in a few cases.

I am a member of several societies and they are all legit.  That means, they have goals I agree with, they didn't take my money and run (those are out there) and they actively pursue initiatives to improve genealogy through historical education.

Unfortunately, two I selected last year didn't measure up.  Both cashed the check, told me I was a member and then emailed me that they weren't done verifying what I submitted and would keep me informed.  But they didn't.  I followed up every few months.  Next month will be a year in so I'm thinking of  ways to resolve this. Sad that a few bad apples tarnish the reputation of those that are good. 

How do you know if a lineage society is reputable?  Check out the membership locally.  The two I attempted to join did not have that option; one was brand new and the other appears to have had changes of personnel at the national level.  If you aren't able to meet local members then you know you may be taking a risk.  If you're willing to invest the time to complete the paperwork and the money to join then go ahead.  If not, then definitely don't bother. 

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