Saturday, May 21, 2022

Genealogy This and That

Courtesy of

Last week was the first time I skipped posting a blog; it was so hectic in my part of the universe I just couldn't find the time. If you were looking for me, my apologies!

Today's blog will be short and sweet as I have my area's historical society's annual picnic to set up for in a few minutes. The weather here is frightful so we'll be picnicking INDOORS. Sigh.

I'm happy to announce I did complete the organizational project I mentioned two weeks ago. It's hard for me to recycle my paper files but I've already found how much more useful and quick those files are to recover once they've been scanned.

The past week I had a rush project; trying to find a descendant of a female pioneer from my area so a tombstone could be placed on her grave. You know how it is when you email someone for info and you wait and wait and wait for a response. This time, the lovely woman wrote back within an hour. The city approved the project on Monday but rescinded its decision on Friday. They wanted to connect with a descendant so I've just finished providing them with my contacts with the caveat that I haven't fully researched those kinship claims.

I attended an interesting in-person local conference on preservation on Wednesday. I thought it would be about preserving buildings; instead, I learned some disturbing (to me!) information about my county's "plan" in the event of a weather disaster. The plan isn't a plan of prevention, it's of how they plan to spend the federal and state dollars once the area is obliterated. I think I'm going through the stages of grief. I seem to have been the only attendee that was bothered by the slides presented. I came home and did further research and I understand where they were coming from - Florida lies on limestone so there is no way to prevent saltwater intrusion. Dikes aren't going to work here. I discussed this with my family and we're making our own plans. My thoughts are with the oldest genealogy book in existence, the Bible. Noah and his ark are definitely on my mind!

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