Saturday, February 12, 2022

Thinking About DNA Differently

Photo courtesy of istock

Often we get stuck in a mindset, for better or worse. I had two DNA conversations this week that helped me broaden my thinking about DNA.

First, I've had one of those weeks where everything tech-wise decided to stop operating. Consequently, I spent time on the phone with an IT person who was trying to get an account to accept my password. In the course of our conversation, he asked me what my business was about and as I described what a genealogist does, he said I had reminded him that he needed to upload his DNA results for his primary care physician. Wow, I hadn't realized that primary care doctors were now taking results from the big DNA organizations!

Now for the divergent thinking part of the story - I asked where he tested and he said 23andMe; he that he was SHOCKED that they knew of his close relationship with his aunt. She was his FAVORITE relative and they shared interests and food preferences. He had no idea that the company would understand how close emotionally he felt to her.

I paused to find the right words. I explained they didn't know how he felt but they knew how her genes compared to his genes and the "close" relationship meant genetically and not emotionally.

The following day a couple brought their adorable mutt into our local historical society for a tour. Yes, leashed behaved pets are allowed. This was the cutest pup I've ever seen. A colleague asked if they knew what breeds he was and the response surprised me - they had his DNA done and he was schnauzer, poodle, shih tzu, and shepherd. I've been dogless for a few years now; I had no idea you could have your dog tested.

DNA sure has come a long way in a short time!

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