Sunday, May 21, 2017

Neat Ideas from the National Genealogical Society Conference

Here are a ten of my most favorite experiences, most of which were FREE, at the National Genealogical Society Conference in Raleigh:

©      FamilySearch gave away #52Stories designed by @KenSikate – they are 3” x 3” cards with questions to help you get started writing your story.  I think they could also be used as an icebreaker activity for a family reunion or a starting point when interviewing a relative.  Visit FamilySearch for more writing ideas.
©      Palatines to America had a useful handout containing a What is the Relationship? Form.  If you get confused between Great Nephews and 3rd Cousin Once Removed this handy dandy template would be helpful. 
©      The National Archives’ (NARA) updated handout listed the links to their most used records.  I sometimes get lost on their site so this “Just the Facts, Ma’am” was nice.
©      NARA also hosts History Hub, an online site with blogs, discussion boards and community pages for anyone interested in history.  That was news to me and a place I plan on checking out.
©      Did you know that the Federation of Genealogical Societies publishes a quarterly electronic magazine for only $15.00/year?  That’s just $3.00 per issue!
©      I joined the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society as I want to get back into researching some of my hubby’s Long Island folks.  As a member, besides the wonderful journal, you get access to Findmypast AND the New York Public Library online. 
©      The USGenWeb Project had a laminated postcard with the 88 Ohio counties – very useful for me to track my people from Trumbull to Stark to Darke to Mercer and finally, to Van Wert.  I learned from an attendee I’ve been mispronouncing my dad’s birth city my whole life – Celina is pronounced Seh lie nah and not Seh lee na.  Who Knew?!
©      Fun Stuff for Genealogists had cute t-shirts, inexpensive jewelry, archive materials and historic map reproductions.  See their full catalog online.  I bought a tree bead and a brass tree charm. 
©      The Ohio Genealogical Society gave me a few ideas about my darling Duers who left so few records in their travels across that state.  The volunteer even consulted his own resources to see if my folks were named (they weren’t but it was a valiant attempt on his part). 
©      Bought the just released Mastering Genealogical Documentation by Thomas Jones with the plan on working through it this summer.  You can purchase a copy through the National Genealogical Society.

I’m hoping to be able to attend next year, too.  Paths to Your Past will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan May 2-5, 2018.  

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