Thursday, July 7, 2016

Adding Flexibility to the Genealogists Repetoire

It's a benefit to genealogists to be flexible.  This post will be short because of my necessity to be flexible today.

Yesterday evening son asked for a ride to the airport for a business trip he was taking today.  No problem!  Then I learned he needed to be there by 5 AM.  So I'm now operating on little sleep.  Coffee can be a genealogists best friend.  I'll be back to the airport tonight late to pick him up.

I got home and thought I'd start the day with some light reading before I started on an article I plan on submitting to a journal so I opened my email.  Bad news!  Sidengo, which provided my website template, has changed their policy effective August 1st so if I stay with them I'm going to have to start paying.  That led me to find Canvas, which is free, that my webhost, Namecheap, can work with.  I just spent the last 3 hours between Namecheap and Canvas as there was some glitch with my transaction going through.  I then had to rebuild the website.  Got everything there EXCEPT I haven't figured out yet how to link the blog posts from here to there.  Will work on that this afternoon.

I'll be on the road again next week, first for some personal research in Pennsylvania and Maryland and then on to a conference in DC for my education job, then a little more research at NARA at the end of the trip so I really don't have the time to spend on getting this website recreated.  I'm hoping you'll be able to experience a seemless transfer!  The names the same -

With my upcoming travel I will most likely have to post less frequently; again, it pays to be flexible as who knows what awesome discoveries awaits me in the next few weeks that I'll just have to share.  So my need to be flexible impacts you, too. My apologies!  It's great, though, to identify another way we're all connected - Happy Hunting!

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Using AI with Legacy Family Tree

 Tech, you've got to keep adapting! Last year I wrote a blog article in comparing how to get AI to write a wonderful narrative from you...