Sunday, January 3, 2016

Genealogical Resolutions

Exercise, eat healthier, lose weight - nope, not for me!  The time has come to resolve for 2016, that I will
  • diligently work on completing my Board of Certification of Genealogy portfolio and submit it before my deadline of October 24th.
  • in my free time (yeah, right) start downloading all of the scans I have placed on so when I can no longer afford a subscription I won't have lost anything.  I foolishly saved everything to Ancestry without downloading a copy to my overworked laptop.  
  • continue blogging twice a week.
  • plan my upcoming midwest research trip and find things that will interest hubby while I'm researching.
  • really, truly set up an office that is functional.  I'll be reclaiming the dining room table in the interim now that the holidays are over.
  • reread the genealogical bibles - the Genealogy Standards, Evidence Explained, BCG Skillbuilders, etc, to refresh the unfreshed mind.  
  • fix my old citations in my family tree as they really were poorly done back in the day.
  • work on completing my e-book, Thanks to the Yanks. (Since part of this is included in my certification portfolio I'll be unable to publish until after the process is completed but I can continue to work on it since I've changed directions from when I started)
  • continue taking webinars to refine my craft and
  • looking forward to attending conferences, especially the National Genealogy Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in May!  Email me through my website if you plan on attending, too! (

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Using AI with Legacy Family Tree

 Tech, you've got to keep adapting! Last year I wrote a blog article in comparing how to get AI to write a wonderful narrative from you...