Saturday, June 30, 2018

Another Family Story Shattered!

You know the feeling when you discover a long held belief isn't what you thought?!  Shocked, Saddened, Denying it, Attempting to disprove the new information - yep, those stages of grief.  But learning the truth is important and I know it can change my genealogy sleuthing to find what I really need to get a better understanding of the family.
I've written previously about one of my husband's great grandmothers, Mary "Mollie" O'Brien, who with her purported half sibling, ventured to New York City during the height of the Potato Famine from Ireland.  
Cousins and I have surmised that Mollie and her sister must have been orphaned as Irish church and civil records show no trace of her parents after her Baptism in Limerick.  This would explain why she set out for a new life in a new land.
Mollie worked as a maid in New York City and it was there she met Scotts immigrant, John Cook.  After a brief courtship, the couple "eloped" via Newark, New Jersey where they had a quickie wedding and then took the train to Chicago where they lived out their life.  Now "elope" is another fable that seems plausible but hasn't been proven.  Mary and John's marriage record was found at a Roman Catholic Church in Newark that was close to the train station.  The maid of honor and best man seem to be parishioners and not family or friends of the couple.  Mollie was not honest about her age, adding a few years to make the union legal. 
According to family tales, John was Protestant but agreed to marry Mollie in a Catholic church with the stipulation that any boys they had would be raised Protestant and the girls, Catholic.  I always thought that was so forward thinking for the mid-1800's.  Love overcoming long held beliefs and the ability to compromise said a lot about their relationship.  What a couple!  Except, this story wasn't true.
I first heard the tale from my father-in-law who explained to me why he was raised Protestant.  His father, Andrew, was supposedly taken to church by his father, John, as part of this deal.  I then met a descendant of William, Andrew's brother, and she had heard the same tale.  Using social media, we reconnected with a long lost cousin of Mary, the only girl the couple had and not surprising, that line had all remained Roman Catholic.  So this story seemed true, except it wasn't.
Recently, released Chicago, Illinois Roman Catholic church records.  I initially went on to find my relatives - my mom and great aunt's Baptism certificate and my grandparents' marriage record.  I still haven't found the marriage and I had terrible difficulty locating my mom's document.  I have a copy so I knew it existed; I knew when and where it had been made but the search function did not allow me to search by the known church, even though it is supposed to work.  
I began to eliminate first names in the search and kept the search vague - just the last name and not even the complete name.  The surname was Koss but when the family emigrated, the spelling had been Kos so I used just that.  The search engine then gave me all the Kos' and Koss' to explore further. Lo and behold, there was my mother as Dorothea and not Dorothy.  I hadn't thought that the Latin word would have been used in the database as the hard copy record clearly recorded Dorothy.  (Side note:  I'm now wondering what my real baptismal record shows as I recall my mom telling me that there was some discussion with the local priest that my  name did not have a Latin translation and that was a problem.  I really need to find out what the church decided to call me!  Perhaps my mom always knew she had been recorded as Dorothea but this was the first time I learned of it.)
But back to Mollie...I decided to find the Baptism record for Mollie and John's daughter, Mary, and based on my new found knowledge, entered only Cook.  There were many of them but using the known birth year I thought I'd find Mary quickly.  Nope, instead I found Andrew and William.  So the boys had been Baptized Catholic after all.  Interestingly, William's name was not Latinized to Gulielmus nor was Andrew's as Andreas.  When I finally found what I think was Mary's, it wasn't either, but her parents first names were and I'm not sure I have the correct record as their last names are off.  No one else seems to have Latinized surnames so I'm not understanding what's up with this record.
To be honest, these records were a hot mess.  My Great Aunt Barbara's had several errors that were corrected by cross outs.  First, my great grandfather's name was entered as the infant and then corrected; my great grandmother's name was crossed out then added.  Someone wrote sideways "Were married" and my great grandmother's maiden name, Grdenich, was also added sideways in pencil in what appears to be a different handwriting.  
After several days I still can't find my grandparent's marriage and I have the pictures so I know it happened.  
But once again, back to Mollie...I guess it is possible that the boys attended another church and Mollie just took daughter, Mary, with her to mass.  My father-in-law never told me what particular denomination his father attended.  I'm not convinced the boys ever went to any church as John Cook, Mollie's husband, happens to be buried in the Catholic cemetery next to her.  John was originally entombed in nondenominational Calvary Cemetery but after Mary's death, the family moved him to Catholic Mount Carmel.  So I have no idea if he was approving or opposed to the change.  His sons didn't seem to mind.  Daughter Mary is in the same plot with her Catholic husband.  
I looked for Roman Catholic marriage records for all 3 children but like with my grandmother, haven't found them yet.  I also haven't found anyone's Confirmation record.  The search continues.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Hunting Down a Harbaugh

I was catching up on my reading last week when I came across an article in the May 2018 Smithsonian magazine mentioning a George Harbaugh, an oil magnate from Cleveland who was involved in an automobile accident with a streetcar in 1913.  This led to an engineer, James Hoge, inventing traffic lights.
Now when you do genealogy for awhile and you're reading for pleasure, surnames are certain to pop up from time to time and you just lose the drift of the story to think, "How is that person related to me?"  or  "Do I have that individual in my tree?"  I have entered every Harbaugh that I'm aware of in my Main Tree on and so I decided to try to hunt down this George Harbaugh and attach the citation.
I thought this would be a quickie find but it took a few minutes longer than I anticipated.  My first problem was that I have 132 George Harbaughs in my tree.  I tried to eliminate by location and death dates but it was still a lot to go through.
Seeking a shortcut, I went to the Library of Congress' Chronicling America site in an attempt to find the newspaper article the story mentioned.  Couldn't find it.  And of course, they didn't reference it in the magazine.
I could have checked other newspaper sites but I suspected the article didn't have much more information I could use to identify George so I simply Googled "George Harbaugh" oil Cleveland.  Interesting, what came up was a pdf from the Cleveland Landmarks Commission of all of the demolished homes.  Sure enough, there were 4 residences for Harbaughs and that gave me a clue.  The first was for a A. G. Harbaugh.  The home had been built in 1888 at 2022 E 89th Street.  I guessed that the "G" might have been George and I had been looking for a first name George and not a middle name of George.  George is a favored name with the Harbaughs and I should have remembered that many of them use their middle name as their first name.  I have no idea why they do this.  The family isn't German, however, they did live among the Pennsylvania Germans for many years and maybe that's where the custom started.
The 2nd Harbaugh on the pdf was George Harbaugh and his home had been built in 1898 at 2021 Cornell Road.
The 3rd Harbaugh was entered as Harbaugh Residence.  Built in 1903, it was located at 11402 Bellflower.
The 4th residence was of most interest; it belonged to Charles Harbaugh who built it in 1904 at Euclid near Cornell.
I knew I was on to something as Euclid was the street where the accident occurred.  I might be able to find a connection between Charles, the mystery George and A. G.  Maybe that dinner party had been at Charles' home!
Back to my list of people in my tree, I decided to check out A. G. first.  Aaron George Harbaugh (1845-1897) was born in Ohio and died in Cleveland. He had 1 daughter, Malinda, and 3 sons, George Edward, Charles Reiber and Frederick.  My mystery George was George Edward.
Born in Cleveland in 1871, he eventually moved to San Diego, California where he died in 1940.  Which is why I didn't quickly find him.  I erroneously thought he would have remained in Ohio.
This fun little exercise reminded me of the importance of not making assumptions; I had wrongly excluded George Edward based on his death location.
It also reminded me of how impatient I often am waiting at traffic lights.  I've often joked my favorite country in the world is Belize because UnbBelizably, they only use 3 of their 7 traffic lights and I've never had to wait at any of them.
So the next time you're waiting for that light to change, think of my husband's 5th cousin, 3 times removed.  Because of George Edward Harbaugh's lack of paying attention, the world's a little safer (and slower) today. 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Be Mindful of Address Changes

On the plane returning home from New Mexico, I sat next to a woman who had traced her paternal grandfather's side back to the 1200's in a Spanish village thanks to the church records and her ability to decipher old handwriting.  She mentioned that she had found several deeds belonging to her great grandparents but could not locate the residences as the numbering system had changed in the past 100 years.  Lucky for her, she met an elderly man who remembered the family and understood the new address system so she was able to identify where her grandfather and great grandfather were born. Taking into account address changes is an important point to remember as what you're looking at might not be what you think it was.

There are two websites available to help with situations like this. is a site using Google Street View with uploaded photos of what the area looked like from previous time periods.  You can assist this project by uploading old photos you may have that show the area in the past. is another site where you can place a pin on a Google map and upload a photo of what the area formerly looked like.  Your old homestead just might be waiting for you to discover!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Deciphering Directions and Finding Places from the Past

Last week when I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico and had a dickens of a time locating the Oldest House that I blogged about on Tuesday.  According to the map and online guides, the Oldest House was said to be NEXT TO the Church.  All I saw next to the Church was a pizza restaurant.
The church was locked so I tried to follow the sign on the government building next door that said "Visitor Info."  The sign had an arrow directing visitors to enter on the east or south entrance.  I walked down the street in the direction the sign had pointed.  There was no entrance on the street side so I suppose it was the  north or west side.  I turned at the intersection and again saw no entrance.  Okay, I was certain to find the way in when I reached the back.  I walked the entire length of the back side and still found no entrance.  Turning left, I finally located the door.  So what the sign meant was that there was one entrance and it was on the south east side. 
I asked the attendant for directions to the Oldest Home.  She said, "It's BETWEEN the church and the restaurant."  I mentioned that a street was between the restaurant and the church.  She insisted the home was BETWEEN and told me to look again.
I walked back to the church and again saw the restaurant in front of me as the church sits back from the street.  I turned right to walk down the street BETWEEN the restaurant and the church and lo and behold, there was the Oldest House.
If I was to describe where the house was located, I would say it was BEHIND the restaurant and ACROSS the street from the church.  This reminds me how careful we must be when we're reading old deeds.
My people are famous for recording deeds noting boundaries of big rocks and tree stumps.  I now wonder how many noted BETWEEN when I would have considered it BEHIND or south and east as southeast?

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A Little Bit of Truth in All of Those Passed Down Stories

I love family legends even if they are tall tales.  Last week I trekked to New Mexico, where I have no family ties, and learned of a passed down legend that was quite interesting.  While visiting the Oldest House in Santa Fe, I heard the story of two elderly Native Americans who once lived in the dwelling.  Supposedly, they had made a love potion for a Spanish soldier, Juan Espinoza, and when it didn't give him the results he had wanted as his love had married another, he returned to seek his money back.  An argument ensued, he fell and was beheaded.  The ancient wooden casket in the home supposedly contains his body; over the years a plaster cast was enclosed to represent his missing head.
The next evening, on a ghost tour, the guide told his version of the story.  He believed the women were sisters and these witches had been threatened by the soldier.  As the soldier attacked one of the women, the other took out a saber and sliced off his head.  The women then dragged his body outside and left it.  No one knows where the head went.  The soldier's ghost reportedly roams looking for his head.  The sister's punishment was to keep the coffin in their home. 
Two days later I was in Taos at the Pueblo village and my tour guide there told the same tale with a slightly different twist.  The two women were not elderly and were local healers specializing in matchmaking.  The soldier was inpatient and violent when his request for a wife wasn't fulfilled quickly.  The townspeople misunderstood the situation; it was clearly self defense on the part of the sisters.
When I returned home I looked online and found many other versions of the tale.  Some say Juan was shot in the leg by the women who later cut his head off.  Others say he fell on his saber and cut his own head off. 
And like the various versions, there's no agreement on when the death occurred.  According to the Taos guide, the event happened before the Pueblo Revolt of1680.  Information at the house states that there was a dwelling on the premises for at least 800 years.  The website states that there is no deed record but analysis of lumber used in the building construction was from 1740-1767. 
Since none of us were there we will never know what really happened.  Unfortunately, no records remain of the event so the passed down stories are the closest we'll ever get. 
If you have a tall tale passed down in your family, get as many versions as you can and record them .  Then, search historical records to narrow down the "facts."  For example, it is most unlikely that the event in Santa Fe occurred before 1692.  Why?  The house was used during the Pueblo Revolt in 1680 to fire upon the Oldest Church across the street.  The area was resettled after 1692.  It would be unlikely that the Native Americans residing in the Santa Fe between 1680-1692 would leave the coffin in the home; that punishment by the Spanish would have been rid of quickly after they succeeded in retaking their ancestral land. This helps us narrow the story to between 1692-1836 when the area parted from Mexico.  The house was remodeled many times over the years so there is no telling if the event occurred prior to the new beams being installed in the mid 18th century or after.  I personally think the coffin was added by later owners who wanted an interesting tourist attraction.  I find it hard to believe that the coffin would remain in the home after the Native American women's death. 
Next time I'll blog about other genealogical gems I uncovered on my trip. 

Using AI with Legacy Family Tree

 Tech, you've got to keep adapting! Last year I wrote a blog article in comparing how to get AI to write a wonderful narrative from you...