Thursday, September 29, 2016

Mexican War Soldiers - A Project You Can Help With

Looking for a way to give back to the genealogical community?  An awesome preservation indexing project has begun that may be of interest to you.
The U.S. National Park Service's Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park partnered last month with the Federation of Genealogical Societies for the purpose of developing a database of  individuals who served in the U.S.-Mexican War. The project will be ongoing - after the estimated 130,000 soldiers are entered to a searchable database, military unit information and related documents will be scanned and added.
You can help - just email Patricia Rand at  

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Adoption Trend

In the past six months I've been approached by two clients who had adoption inquiries.  I used to be contacted by folks who were adopted and were searching for their birth parents but lately, I've noticed a different trend.
The first individual discovered she was adopted while she was at college.  Her assigned roommate swore she knew someone back home that looked identical to her.  This was before Facebook and email so seeing a picture or contacting the "twin" had to wait. In the spring of her freshman year the client visited the roommate's home and upon entering, roommate's family remarked about the resemblance.  Unfortunately, the client wasn't able to meet this "twin" because the "twin" was out of town as it was her spring break, too.  Everywhere the client went that week she encountered people who called her by the "twin's" name.  Finally, someone showed her a picture and indeed, there was a striking resemblance.  A few weeks after the client returned to college she was contacted by the "twin's" father.  He had heard of the client's visit and wondered if perhaps, they were related.  The client called her parents who fessed up - she had been adopted and they knew who her parents were.  Yes, the "twin's" father was her father, too.  When this client called me I thought she was interested in tracing her birth parents' lines but she wasn't.  Her adopted parents were an older couple who had recently died and she wanted to know about their families.  She felt that they had given her their family's customs and norms and she was more a part of their lineage than her birth parents.  Shortly after working for this client an episode of Genealogy Roadshow aired and an adopted woman was to trying to verify a family story told to by her adopted parents.  As part of their family, she felt the story was a part of her history, too.
Last month,I was contacted by another individual who asked me to complete lineage paperwork for her sister.  I thought this was going to be fairly quick as the client's mother had been a part of the organization.  When I mentioned I would need the birth certificate the client let me know that her "sister" had been adopted.  The organization that the ladies were interested in joining does not accept applications unless bloodline is proved. After explaining that I thought there might be a way around this dilemma.  Often children are adopted by other family members and if that was the case, proving kinship might still be viable.  Unfortunately, that wasn't the situation.  The woman, who is in her 50's, had discovered who her birth parents were and confirmed it through dna testing a few years ago.  I offered to research the birth parents but client and her sister weren't interested.  They had been raised as siblings and if they couldn't join as siblings they weren't interested.
As our society evolves so does the concept of family.  My opinion is we are all related anyway.  If the inquiry is to learn more about customs and norms than I understand why there is an interest.  If the concern is medical, however, it may or may not be valid.  We're all aware that lifestyle effects health but so does our genetic makeup.  My prediction is that genealogy software is going to  catch up to enable a connection between two sets of parents.  

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Citation Dilemma - Attributing Parent Marriage Info on a Child's Ancestry Page

About a month ago I was contacted by an Ancestry user who inquired the following:  "How could George Mitchell Long marry Sarah Ford in 1807 in Tennessee when he wasn't born until 1849?"
Excellent question!  I went to my tree and checked the birth and death dates for the couple and their child and didn't see that I had an error so I suspected my tree was confused with another; that was my reply.
Yesterday, I received a more detailed response which brings up an excellent point.  Under sources, I had saved for George Mitchell Long (Jr.) his parents' marriage record.  It does not show under Facts, of course, since the marriage took place before George Jr. was born. The record does not show Jr. or Sr. either since the Sr. hadn't yet had a son so there was no Jr. at the time of the marriage. 
Why did I have the parents info on the son's page?  I put the record there so when I write kinship determinations I can pull everything from one page.  I can understand how this would confuse someone looking at my tree and assuming I had the wrong information for that person's page, though.  
I do this a lot, too!  I'm thinking about how the Social Security info provides kinship and I save to both the parents and their child.  That is clearer since it shows the relationship that a parents marriage alone does not do.  
I don't know if there's a better work around - if you know of one please let me know!  I've requested that Ancestry add a feature like the shoebox to the Facts page so extraneous information could be saved and retrieved easily but I'm not holding my breath on that.  
Originally, I put info that I just described under the Notes feature but I had to move it out because I was working on some lines with other family members and they couldn't see the Notes section - it's only visible to the owner.  For awhile, I then added  it as a Comment but  I wasn't scrolling down and was missing my own comments.   I see that now a click on comments on the toolbar brings the comments to the right side for viewing so maybe I should go back to using that.  
I'd appreciate your thoughts and suggestion...

Sunday, September 18, 2016

A New Way to Identify Name Variations

I was reading the article Guild of One-Name Studies Is Now Available at  in The Genealogy News recently and thought I'd  check out the database on Familysearch.  On a few lines, I trace everyone who has that name in the US in an attempt to make a connection across the pond.  Stop and read the article and then come back to my blog.
If you followed the articles link to Familysearch, (added here in case you didn't), and you enter a surname in the search field, you probably were disappointed.  I know I was!  I first added HARBAUGH and got links to everything but Guild Of One-Name Studies.  I know family historians, some quite renown, have traced the name back to a HARBO who was a court scribe in the 1200's in Denmark.  I expected to find that and more but all I got were records of Harbaughs.
I then typed in LEININGER and got lots of IGI records but nothing for the Guild of One-Name Studies.
Then it hit me!  On the left hand side, I should have scrolled down and filtered out everything but Guild of One-Name Studies.
I still got nothing for Harbaugh and Leininger but when I entered KOS I got Cass and Coss,
Next I tried KABLE and that's when it occurred to me - duh - this could be an innovative way to come up with surname variations!  My Kables were listed as Cable, Cabel, Kabel, Cobbold and Cabot.  I would have never come up with Cobbold and Cabot.
Next I tried DUER and got Dewhurst.  Now that was very interesting to me as I've been heavy into deeds and wills of my John Duer in Trumbull/Mahoning Counties, Ohio who died in 1831 after his son, Thomas, and I keep seeing Dewhurst in the records.  I pronounce Dewhurst as doo' herst but I guess it could be pronounced doo' ers.  Hmm.
We've all seen creatively spelled names, likely recorded from pronunciations, in records but I've never been really good at coming up with more than obvious variations.  I'm adding this tool to my genealogy tool box!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Researching at the National Archives

My two most favorite locations to research are the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and the National Archives (NARA) in DC.  Actually, NARA is by far the archive that I hold dearest to my heart as it's the place where I am able to hold in my hands documents that my ancestors held years before.  It's a connection like no other!
It was my final day in the Capitol and as I was headed to the airport in late afternoon, I had with my my suitcase.  My sister-in-law had dropped me off at the commuter station close to her home at 9 AM and it was a straight line to the archive.
Took this pic as I came up the steps from the train:
The building isn't crooked - I was after being on the road for several days!
This view is of the researcher's entrance - it's around the side of the building from where the public enter to view the exhibits.  Think National Treasure's entrance.
Going through security was not a problem and the guards pleasantly directed me to the locker room.  For a quarter I could get a large locker to place my suitcase and purse.  I hadn't taken off the Kindle's sleeve so I was sent back to place it with the rest of my belongings.  The Kindle and/or a laptop is permissible but cannot have the cases with them.  I also took with my my handy dandy plastic Baggie of goodies.
I was prepared and had viewed the Powerpoint presentation at home prior to my trip.  The ppt had been updated the week before, however, so I was required to take a few moments to read it.  You can check out Researcher Presentation here.
As with the Library of Congress, researchers must obtain a Research Card. You cannot preregister but there was no wait and within minutes I was on my way.  The card you receive is free and valid for 1 year.  Make sure you have a drivers license or passport with you!
I was directed to a desk where the kind ladies helped me complete the pull request paperwork.  Since I had already checked out their holdings I knew exactly what I wanted to get.  I highly advise you to do the legwork at home and save time while there.  It's amazing how quickly time flies when you're into the documents!
The document pull requests must be turned in by the time deadlines or you miss that window.  The pull times are 10, 11, 1, 2 and 3.  I had already missed the 10 AM - when they open - as I had to get my Research Card.  No worries, I was ready for the 11 AM pull.  In the meantime, staff directed me to the microfilm room and I was happily viewing Postmaster Records from the late 1800s on several family members.
I was able to save what I found to my thumb drive but you have to put money on your card.  A staff member helped me and I decided it was best to use my charge card to guesstimate how much I would spend.  I wasn't sure if the records I was requesting from the pulls were what I wanted and I didn't want to put more money on the card than needed as I wasn't planning on being back soon and you can't get a refund once money is placed.  The staff member suggested $5.00 and as it turned out, he was exactly on the money!
By noon I was on another floor asking at the desk if my items had been pulled.  They hadn't yet so I sat at a table and waited.
It was a Thursday midday in July and the place was hopping!  Every table in the room was taken. The adjacent room was almost empty but those tables were reserved for Congressmen so the remaining researchers had to share space.
A kind researcher had noticed me downstairs earlier and asked me if I had found everything.  I told him that my pull hadn't come through yet.  He suggested that I ask the staff member in another room as he found his request there.  Sure enough, there was my goodies!
I'm not going to bore you with the process but this is government so you've got to sign and sign again and make sure you're signing in the right place on the right color paper.  Don't worry - the staff is patient and kind and will help you if you forget what you learned in the ppt.
I had requested 3 pulls and all 3 had information.  There are limits - from their website:
"The limit is four original files for each researcher for each pull during a business day up to 24 files in a given day."
When I come back I plan on bringing my husband to expedite the process.
I sat in awe and read the War of 1812 pension petition of my 3 x's great grandmother Mary "Polly" Dennis Hodge Adams Elder Search.  You read that correctly - she was married four times, outliving 3 of the husbands.  Her first husband, John Hodge, went off to the War of 1812 leaving her 8 months pregnant with twins in the wilds of Ohio.  She survived the childrens' births, he did not.  I'm descended from her second husband, Edward Adams.
Polly couldn't write, as evidenced from her X mark.  One of her sons and daughters from her marriage to Edward accompanied her and signed the pension request.
I wanted a copy so I went back to the staff member where I had obtained the record and he helped me set up the document on the printer.  They use blue paper so as to make sure that no one is walking out with an original.  I had put money on the card in the microfilm room so it was quick to make the copies.  I signed the document back in and then went through the process with the other two documents, one at a time.
I got teary eyed when I read the Civil War record of my husband's 2nd great grandfather, Samuel Samuelson, who was the first of our surname.  I knew he had sustained an injury but I didn't know he had become a POW and was traded back to the Union, only to go on and fight another day.  Wow.
The last document was another one of my husband's great grandfathers, John Anderson Long, who had also had a lengthy enlistment in the Union.  He had fled Tennessee in the 1830's as his anti-slavery stance had gotten him in serious trouble.  He eventually settled in northern Indiana and that's where he enlisted when the war began.  I hadn't known he was a teamster.  The documents contained his medical history - he had once had pneumonia but recovered.
Unfortunately, it was time to leave as I had a plane to catch.  I was directed to the desk where the staff looked through all of the items I had copied and secured them in a locked bag:

All I was allowed to keep out was my locker key and Research Card.  I then took these items to the guard desk who cleared me to leave the room.  I gathered my belongings and ironically, got a call from my son.  He was in the process of getting security clearance for his job and he had called to vent that the security company had not been able to verify his employment from 3 years ago at a local hardware store.  I had to laugh - here I was holding documents from the 1840's through 60's and there's no records from 3 years ago locally.  I understand how it happened - the store was sold and the new owners didn't have the old owner's records.  Son had a W-2 but the company wouldn't take it because they said anyone could make one of those up.  I guess they could but I don't think like that.  I suggested he track down the old owner and ask him for verification which he did.
After the phone call I proceeded to the exit, which is the same place as the entrance.  The guard opened the bag and returned my items to me.  They had locked my suitcase upon entering the building and asked if I wanted it unlocked.  It was a carryon and I didn't need anything in it so I opted to leave the lock on.
I did complete a comment card - I was so impressed with the staff's professionalism, especially after the lackadaisical attitude of the Library of Congress employees, I had to let the top brass know.
I'm hoping that next summer, I can take the week long class at NARA in July and spend more time.  I'm already making a list of who I want to research.
I was sad to end my research trip but thankful that I had the opportunity to do it.  I hope that you have gained some tips and tricks next time you are on a GLAM (Gallery, Library, Archive or Museum) quest.  The trip took me through public (county and city libraries), private (DAR), and national genealogical repositories (NARA, Library of Congress).  Each have their own processes and it's best to know before you go.  Take the time to read online the hours of operation, explore the collection holdings and make notes of what you want to see while you're there.  The findings may leave you with additional questions and a run through a different bread crumb trail than you expected but I assure you, it will be fun and thought provoking.  I can't wait to do it again!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Researching at the Daughters of the American Revolution Library

Recently I had the opportunity to research at the Daughter's of the American Revolution (DAR) Library in Washington, DC.  I was attending an educational conference and at its conclusion, had an afternoon free so a colleague who is a DAR and I decided to join forces on a research trip.
Since we didn't have much time we took a cab from our hotel.  There had been a wicked storm the prior evening so there were tree limbs littering the street and work crews trying to open closed roads. The taxi driver got us as close as possible due to this situation.

I had already checked out of the hotel so I had my suitcase with me when I arrived.  I know the DAR has gotten a lot of  flack over the years for some of their policies but I must say that these were the nicest people I had met in DC on this trip so far.  The guard said to put my suitcase in a corner and he'd watch it for me.  We got a visitor's sticker and were directed to the library.
My colleague and I split up and I had two objectives; the first to find if John Duer was still open for new members and the second, what was the problem with Wilson Williams.  I always planned on joining the DAR when I retired and I didn't want to submit paperwork on John Duer if the line was closed.  I was assured he was open.  My concern with Wilson was due to a family member who had decided to join the DAR but was told she couldn't because of paperwork problems for Wilson.  I had helped with the research on Wilson and I wanted to know what was wrong.  Did someone find out, gasp, he had aided the Loyalists?  Was there another Wilson that we had mistakenly followed?
The Librarian checked and found no problem with Wilson.  He believed the family member misunderstood what she was told - there are too many people who joined DAR with the short form for Wilson and if she would like to become a member, she would have to complete a long form.  No worries there!
I headed for the stacks and found a few books that gave me some leads on my Thomas Duer connection.  I also checked out surnames for the Kinship Determination Paper I was submitting for certification just in case there was something somewhere I had missed.  Nope, had all of the derivatives and not surprisingly, no primary info to be found there.
After about an hour I texted my colleague who was wandering in the museum.  I joined her and loved the displays.  Reminded me of the historical museum in Morristown, New Jersey.
As we left she asked me if I had taken any photos of books with my phone.  "Yes," I replied, "a few."  I inquired as to why she asked.  Evidently, that was not permitted.  She had whipped out her phone to take a photo of a map and was informed by the Librarian that she owed $10.00.  She didn't have a ten so she gave them a $20. and told them the rest was a donation.
She's a much better person than me, for sure!  I would not have handled it like that.  I questioned her as to where there was a sign posted that photo's weren't permitted.  She said there hadn't been any and that a patron overheard and also questioned the policy.  The Librarian responded that it had always been the policy.
When I came home I searched the DAR website and didn't find anything regarding a no using your camera policy but be warned if you visit - your photo might cost you a whole lot more than a copy would!
Next time I'll write about behind the scenes at the National Archives.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Researching at the Library of Congress

I had always wanted to go on the other side - the nontourist side - of the Library of Congress to research.  On a Saturday afternoon in July I parked my rental car in a great (well, not really, more about that later) spot behind the Madison Building.  The library is housed in more than one building so go online to check out their holdings and where they are located before you visit.
Although the purpose of the library is to be used by Congress, adult researchers may access the holdings by obtaining a Reader Card.  You can complete most of the information online ahead of your trip to save time - just follow this Pre Register link.
Be forwarned that children may not obtain entry to the holdings.  A high school student might but there is a process involved so make sure you follow the directions and have secured the necessary paperwork.  Gotta love the government!
After going through security I was directed to the left hallway by the guards to obtain my reader's card.  I presented my driver's license but a passport will also work.  The bored clerk at the desk checked that I had pre-registered and directed me to sit around the corner.  There were three individuals ahead of me.  Shortly, I was called by another bored employee who had earbuds in and was watching a video on her phone.  She directed me, with no eye contact, to sit in her area so a quick photo could be taken.  My card was ready quickly and I was on my way.
I originally had two goals - visit the genealogy section to just "read" the shelves and find a rare book written by a family member.  My plans changed, however, after visiting Pennsylvania as I found a copy of the "rare" book just sitting on a library shelf.  Funny how one repository considers something rare and unique and another does not.
The genealogy section is housed in the Jefferson Building which is across the street from the Madison Building.  Researchers enter below the tourist entrance.  After once again going through security and having to show my Reader's Card I was directed to the coat room where I checked my belongings.  I took only my plastic Baggie and Kindle.  I was then directed down a long winding hallway and eventually reached the elevator.  I was headed to the humanities area and once I arrived, I had to display my Reader's Card to another guard and sign in.  The guard displayed an attitude as if I was bothering her - I guess I had disturbed her from reading.  I entered a mid sized room and asked the Librarian where I might find the genealogy section.  His response, "The genealogist isn't here today."  I told him that was fine, I didn't need to consult with a genealogist.  I just needed direction to where the materials were housed.  He told me to follow him and we entered the gorgeous reading room and veered to the right.
The genealogy section was hidden behind a door and looked like nothing had been added in years.  Down a rickety plywood ramp the Librarian kindly asked what particular area I was researching.  I told him I had several - Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and New Jersey.  He wasn't familiar with the layout and began to search the shelves.  I told him I would be fine so he left.
I wasn't expecting much so I wasn't disappointed.  It was everything I had previously read about the genealogy holdings.  I confirmed that there are many more resources in my own back yard then what was housed at the LOC.

This is one of only 2 shelves of Florida books. I'm going to keep my political opinions to myself  but am going to state that if this is where Congress goes to get info - well, it explains a lot about Congress.
I found absolutely nothing .
Since I had gone to all the trouble of getting a Readers Card and driving through downtown DC I figured I should at least spend a bit of time reading.  I left the genealogy section and wandered through the humanities section.  Found a nice book on Greek philosophy so I sat and read a chapter.  I think I must be in a zillion tourist photos.  It is very distracting trying to read when lights from cameras are going off constantly.  It was an interesting experience.  Guess I could equate it to being a fish in a fishbowl.
Maybe because it was a Saturday there weren't many Readers in the room - I counted three besides me.
Getting out of the LOC is the same as getting in.  When I left the humanities area I was directed to again go through security and sign out by the guard who had changed since I entered.  This individual was much more pleasant.  Back up the elevator, down the winding hallway and to the coat room to retrieve my belongings. Those folks in the coat room are busy and nice!  One more check through security and the walk back to the rental car.
So, about that awesome parking space - I somehow missed the sign that said I had to have a sticker permit to park where I did.  I got a parking ticket for not following directions of the sign I didn't see.  I have a long history of family members thrown out of lots of different countries (and fleeing several states) for their inability to follow directions and thus, getting into trouble.  I'm thinking that maybe, like me, it's not so much they don't follow directions as not see the directions.  Just a thought.
My husband's several times great step uncle Leonard Harbaugh had been the builder overseeing the building of Congress and the White House.  When I told my husband about the ticket he reminded me none of his family members ever drive in the city and that's why they don't get tickets.  Even so, it was a wonderful parking place and worth the ticket fine as it was close.  I would have paid more if I had found a garage. Now I'm not recommending you get a ticket if you go but all things considered, it was okay with me.
Next time I'll discuss researching at the DAR Library.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Making the Most of Your Research Trip - Part 8 - Last of a Series

It was the dawning of my last day of my research trip to Pennsylvania and was hoping for a miracle to find the burial location with a date for my husband's 3 x's great grandfather.  I also wanted to confirm church records of where another of his 3 x's great grandfather's was buried in a second cemetery.  The cemetery had no record of that burial but it was listed in church records.
After a quick breakfast and checking out of the hotel I was on to Antietam Cemetery.  I drove the rental car as close to the family plots as possible.  I hadn't mixed the bleach in the water to clean the stones as per the Reverend's instructions as I was afraid I'd spill it in the car and wreck the carpeting.  The Walmart in Waynesboro carries bleach tablets.  We don't have those in my Walmart!  They were perfect as I only had to pop one in the spray bottle and then add water.  No worries about spilling a bottle of bleach.
Since it wasn't yet 8 AM the dew was still covering the ground.  My sneakers were soaked quickly but I trudged on, located the graves and sprayed away.  Once I had sprayed the entire family's stones I went back to the first grave and gently rubbed the lichen off with the scrub brush. MAGIC!  I resprayed bleach solution and moved down to the next stone.  After the second brushing I poured clean water over the stone.  I was now wet, hot and filthy but happy - I could finally read all the stones.  Well, the parts that were above ground level.  As the Reverend had mentioned yesterday, the area was prone to sinking and one stone in particular had really gone down quite a lot.  I suspect the Revered was correct that if there were stones for my husband's missing great grandparents they had sunk.  I believe there had been stones as the family has a notorious bread crumb trail of stones going back to the 1600's in what is now Germany.  I would find it odd that this was the only couple that did not have stones, especially since the stone for their son was quite large.
I rephotographed the stones and then, on a whim, decided to look for the apple trees that the Reverend mentioned.  Why?  I am obsessed with apple trees, probably because my great uncle was John Chapman, aka Johnny Appleseed.  Sure enough, their were apple trees on the other side of the cemetery fence amidst lots of weeds and shrubs.  I walked over and picked up two apples off the ground.  Who knows, maybe they were Johnny's at one time as he was known to have had a farm not far from this location once.  I couldn't resist in taking them home:
Back in the car I drove to Green Hill Cemetery.  I marched to the stone I had found the previous day and sprayed away.  Even after speaking with the cemetery's director the area still had not been cleaned.  I also sprayed the stones on either side to see if maybe one did belong to the great grandfather as church records stated.
Removing the dirt layer certainly helped the readability but the stone to the right was completely worn.  Interestingly, it was of the same type of marble as the family member's stone and none others surrounding were.  The stone was smaller and I am now thinking it must be the stone for the infant that had died.  Perhaps both children had died at the same time and the older sibling got the bigger stone.  It didn't make sense that the grandfather would have a tiny stone and the grandson a larger one.  On the smooth stone I placed typing paper that the sweet girl in the hotel had given me and rubbed with a black kindergarten crayon to see if anything would be revealed - nothing.  My mind wanted to see an outline of a lamb in the middle of the stone but I wasn't sure if this was reality or not.  It was no clearer on the rubbing than in a photo.
Taking the scrub brush I decided to continue to search for the missing grandfather's stone.  I located it in the same row but on the left side of the middle.  I quickly sprayed, scrubbed and washed.  No doubt about it - this was the stone of the man mentioned in the church records that was not included on the cemetery's derivative list.
I'm not sure why the stone was located where it was.  Church records show that the stone was originally next to the grandson but that's not the case.  Either the stones were mixed when they were relocated from Old Union or the church records are wrong.  Some mysteries just won't be solved.
I was so glad to have returned and searched again with better tools.  I could leave the area with more knowledge than I had which was a good thing!
I was headed to Virginia to spend the evening with my sister-in-law and decided to take the scenic route through Harbaugh Valley.  I've seen the pictures online and read about the area for nearly 40 years so this was especially important to me.
The GPS directions made me laugh - I was headed back to the hotel  where I had stayed.  Ironically, I was staying just a short distance from the Reverend Henry Harbaugh's old homestead.  We have a copy of his poetry book that had been handed down for generations.  I have also chuckled at his family history, of which we also have a copy.  Written in 1856 his was the first of several family genealogies written.  Now I'm not criticizing here as I think he did a wonderful job given the time it was published.  He couldn't email, phone or just fly into an area like I had just done to do his research.  What I find humorous in a dark sense is that he often ended a biography with "He's dead."  No, you think?  The sermons he left weren't so succinct so I'm not sure why he used such brevity often in his book.
I located Harbaugh Road quickly and parked in the Harbaugh church lot.  The cemetery behind the church is still used but it wasn't as well maintained as I had envisioned.  Many of the older stones were totally unreadable.  There was no point in using the bleach - these stones were out in the middle of a corn field and not subjected to the lichen that covered the stones in the cemeteries on the other side of town.
The church was locked so I could not go in.  I was disappointed not to find the stone for the missing grandmother.  A marker outside of the church reminded me of the Reverend Henry's brevity; it mentioned that a marker for the family home was nearby but didn't give directions.  I brought up my family tree on my phone to see if I had any coordinates.  Nope.
I drove down Harbaugh Road and came to it's end.  There was a subdivision now and not farmland.  I turned around and went back the way I had come, passing the church and turning left at the end of the road.  A sign that denoted the Maryland state line was displayed.  I crossed the line and stopped at a vegetable market.  None of the employees or customers had ever heard of Reverend Harbaugh but they did know there was a church up the street.  Ironically, one of the employees was related to the Harbaughs but he didn't know it until I informed him.  He didn't care much, either.
I drove back into Pennsylvania and stopped at an antique store located up the road.  The owner said she had never heard of the Reverend Harbaugh, either, but she knew there was a road and church and whenever an event was held at the church she got lots of business as people stopped to use her restroom.  She was somewhat interested in history so I enlightened her on the land that was across from her property.  She told me that the building where the store was located was once the train station for the area.  This must have been the place where the Reverend Harbaugh boarded for his trip to Ohio.  He had to learn English as the family spoke German at home and he learned while traveling.  His parents missed him terribly and when he returned and after he became a minister, built the church to keep him in the area.   As a parent of adult children, I so relate to that!
This same station was possibly where my husband's family had left the area when they relocated to northern Indiana.  From the diary of their maternal aunt I knew the day and time the family had arrived in 1869 but I didn't know the departure schedule.  It would be interesting to research further but it was now afternoon and I had to be on my way.  It was a fitting way to  end the trip, leaving the area, from the same location they likely had.
Next time I'll write about my adventures in Washington, DC.

Using AI with Legacy Family Tree

 Tech, you've got to keep adapting! Last year I wrote a blog article in comparing how to get AI to write a wonderful narrative from you...