Thursday, February 4, 2016

Evernote...Ever so helpful

Back from my trip and I’m happy to report the first two generations of my Kinship Determination Project (KDP) is in draft form.  Do you use Evernote?  I use it on my Kindle to take notes at meetings but I’ve never used it while researching or for any of my other portfolio requirements.  Maybe because I do use it at my primary job I had little trouble working on the KDP using Evernote on my Kindle.  Who would have thought?!  So now I have another place to access the document.  I figure I can review it during down times where ever I might be.  It’s getting to be quite long at this point so I won’t be able to review all of it during say, a lunch break, but my latest plan is to look it over daily and then devote the weekends to moving forward.  My goal is to have the complete rough draft - all 3 generations - by the end of February and use spring break to seek out the few remaining records I’d like to find.  They may not exist but unless I seek them out in person I won’t know for sure. I wouldn't be meeting the reasonably exhaustive search of the genealogical proof standard without knowing for sure!
I’m becoming so involved with the family I’m writing about I feel like I know them, even though I never met any of them and I’m not related to them.  I’m looking forward to traipsing around in their footsteps when spring arrives.  I would love to find a picture of generation 1 and 2.  I have one of the couple in generation 3 but to find the trifecta, that would be awesome!  I have a vision of what they looked like but who knows how accurate that can be.  

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